Honest to Goodness. Our natural ground beef contains no preservatives or artificial ingredients.
Really, when the hell did this happened and why didn’t I get the memo? I have to check in Canada maybe this is just a US Red Robin thing. This is absolutely outstanding. Natural beef just catapults Red Robin to the top of the chain restaurant list. Sure you’ve got to get past the plastic faux Disney cartoonish shtick of the restaurant design but once you do its well worth it.
Nice burger 8.5 – 9/10. It’s natural and it’s pink in the middle and it’s juicy and tasty, but in the back of my mind there’s that nagging feeling that it’s still a fast food burger. I think it’s the bun. You know the type; the wonder bread bun like thing that you know has way too many chemicals in the mix. Still a damn fine burger and now that I know that the beef is natural my go to burger chain joint.
Mmm beer |