Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Joey Coquitlam BC Canada

Once again, another chain restaurant, the result of yet another corporate lunch. It seems that Joey, Earls, Cactus Club, Milestones are your standard default choices. This is not necessarily a bad thing, except for the last burger I had a Milestones, these places usually do a pretty good job. I must admit the last Milestone’s experience has grown in bitterness. I originally gave the burger a 6.5/10, but the more I think back the more disgusted I get. It was just poor.

Joey did OK, I had the Hi-Rise Bacon Cheddar burger. It’s a great looking burger, a food stylists dream. It tastes OK, everything is fresh, but at the end of the day it has no soul. It’s impossible to describe what soul tastes like but when you bite into it you know. Perhaps something you would expect from Joey’s, perhaps they are applying their wait staff hiring practices to burger theory.

7.5/10, change your burger, give it some soul, but please don’t change your wait staff hiring practices ;)

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